
Naval Group : la réaction de l’UNSA sur les sous-marins australiens

L’annonce de l’abandon du programme de sous-marins conventionnels Australian Future Submarine (AFS) est un choc pour l’entreprise et l’ensemble de ses personnels. Cette décision est la conséquence d’un revirement stratégique et politiqu… […]

Très bons résultats trimestriels pour Maersk

A.P. Møller – Mærsk A/S (APMM) has for the first two months of Q3 2021 recognised a financial performance significantly ahead of our previous expectations and now expects for Q3 2021 an underlying EBITDA close to USD 7bn and an underlyi… […]

Kongsberg digitalise toute la flotte d’Island Offshore

Kongsberg Digital is proud to announce that it has signed a contract to deliver its Vessel Insight infrastructure solution to the entire Island Offshore fleet of 26 highly advanced offshore service vessels. This is one of the largest contracts for Vessel Insight since the software solution was launched in 2019.
